Valérie Duvauchelle is a passionate advocate for activating new ways of being in the world. Her specific interest is in the application of new ways of being in community and seeks to understand the invisible evolutionary impulses that occur when we do things together.
She is a Tenzo cook in the Zen tradition and through her books, programs and retreats brings the universal teachings of this tradition into community living. She is most well-known for the design and development of the Onboarding Process which bridges 20 years of learning in Zen temples with conscious community experience. Her dedicated practice is to cultivate a posture of "being witness” in her life. She embodies the balance between deep commitment and spontaneous playfulness.
At les passagées, we feel deeply connected and influenced by Valérie’s most famous book “The Silent taste” (le gout silencieux) published in France by Actes Sud.
“Everything that passes through us is alive, both constructing and deconstructing us, and food is the embodiment of this notion. We ingest what we are, and we recreate ourselves with every meal. We continually die to be continually reborn, and it is within this endless cycle of our ingestion and digestion that we exist.”
You can follow Valérie Duvauchelle on her instagram
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Copyright © by Sophie Lavaur