Alexandra Swenden

Alexandra Swenden

CREATIVE DIRECTOR · BE     She connects worlds, words, gestures, but above all people. What interests her is what happens “in between”: the links, conversations and bridges. With Les Passagées, she is eager to explore all the inner landscapes of the body and lose herself in these endless relationships. 



© Caroline Dejonghe


Uma Naddermier

Uma Naddermier

ART DIRECTOR · SE / FR    The harmony of shapes, colours and thoughts are Uma’s polyphonic voices, which she handles with a singularity and purity rarely equalled. She has put her stamp on Les Passagées. Like a baby Yoda, her gaze widens every day.

© Caroline Dejonghe

Constance Chlore

Constance Chlore

POET · BE    When she closes her eyes, words gallop like wild ponies. She handles language with a freedom that opens up unexpected worlds. Her texts are lively, colourful bridges that interweave with other artistic disciplines.

© Caroline Dejonghe

Caroline Dejonghe

Caroline Dejonghe

PHOTOGRAPHER · FR     Her eye has many gazes. Detail is her path. The escape of things, is an art of living, that she captures with poetry, vibration and respect.

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© Caroline Dejonghe

Violaine Delteil

Violaine Delteil

CREATIVE ADVISOR · FR     Musician? Sociologist? It’s nothing but sound poetry that runs through her veins. A woman committed to the struggles of the living, she raises her flame towards a world of hope.

© Caroline Dejonghe

Sara Deux

Sara Deux

CREATIVE ADVISOR · FR     As her name suggests, everything about Sara is double. Twice as much talent, sensitivity, love, humour and attention to the living. Her relationship with the world is a tightrope between poetry, the beauty of silence and the freedom of the body.

© Caroline Dejonghe


Isabelle Douillet – de Pange

Isabelle Douillet – de Pange

ART HISTORIAN · BE     An art historian as fiery as she is sharp, Isabelle Douillet has a keen eye for heritage. No Brussels facade has escaped her gaze. And soon her voice! For she tells the story of the past in the present, through sensitive and surprising sound pieces.

© Caroline Dejonghe

Barbara Drazkov

Barbara Drazkov

PIANIST, COMPOSER · PL   Mixing a classical technique with an experimental sound searching, she gives new life to old pianos by making them sound like all different kinds of instruments or electronic samples. She composes and performs her own music for originally prepared grand and upright pianos.

© Caroline Dejonghe

Sophie Gagey

Sophie Gagey

COMMUNICATION ADVISOR · FR    A master woman who gets straight to the point. Her approach to communication is a blend of perfectionism and wisdom, efficiency, and creativity. Driven by boundless energy, les passagées was lucky enough to come across her singular vision and her numerous ideas.


Agnès Guillaume

Agnès Guillaume

VIDEO ARTIST · FR     Sound was in her ears. But it was through the eye that she came to creation. Video, like a belated revelation of worlds in motion. She transforms, distorts and overturns images in search of what resonates from within.

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© Caroline Dejonghe